WALK FOR LIFE- Saturday September 7th, 10am check in! Go to fundraising page to register!!!
Parent/Family Resources
Local Services
The Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program is committed to serving children under the age of 3 with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. We value your family’s primary relationship with your child and work in partnership with your family. We work to enhance your child’s development and support your family’s knowledge, skills, and abilities as you interact with and raise your child.
FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) is a free program that helps FoodShare members build their job skills and find jobs. Through FSET, we offer job skills training, education activities, interview skills, and you can get work experience. These skills will help you find a rewarding career. FSET will help you get a job after we learn your strengths, needs, and type of work you prefer. We also will use information about jobs where you live to help you plan your career goals. Sawyer County call: 855-792-5439
LCO Indian Child Welfare and Family Services
. The LCO Indian Child Welfare (ICW) program is designed to provide safety for children and to preserve the cultural identity of LCO children.
Any child who is eligible for enrollment falls under the jurisdiction of the LCO Indian Child Welfare program. Children who may be eligible for enrollment in another federally recognized tribe who are in need of services will be referred to the tribe in question.
These rights apply to any child protective case, adoption, guardianships, termination of parental rights action, runaway/truancy matter, or voluntary placement of your children.
Referrals to service providers
Supervised Visitations
Case Planning and Management
Assistance to promote case plan success
Tribal and Circuit Court appearances
Enrollment Inquiries
Investigative Services
Collaboration with State and Counties
The Family Services Department provides life-enhancing programs to help with food and nutrition, child care, family wellness, elder assistance, youth development, and more.
Some services available within the Family Services Department are determined through an eligibility process, and each program has its own set of eligibility criteria.
Online Family and Child Resources
Focus on The Family: (spiritual) https://www.focusonthefamily.com/
Christian Parenting: https://www.christianparenting.org/
Zero to Three http://www.zerotothree.org/
Supporting Families Together Association http://www.supportingfamiliestogether.org/ (888) 713-KIDS
Center on the Social & Emotional Foundation for Early Learning http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/
The Power of Connection: Parent and Caregiver Well-Being https://the-power-of-connection.org/parent-and-caregiver-wellbeing/
The AAP ( Amreican Association of Pediatricians) Parenting Website: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/Pages/default.aspx
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board https://preventionboard.wi.gov/Pages/Homepage.aspx
Well Badger Resource Center: https://www.wellbadger.org/s/?language=en_US
Childcare Subsidy https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/wishares/parents
Child Product Recalls http://www.safekids.org/product-recalls
ConsumerNotice.org https://www.consumernotice.org/products/child-safety/
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Our Doula can provide continual support before, during and after childbirth. If you choose to breastfeed your baby, the program can provide support and resources to help you do so. Lots of ideas and support to handle the stress of having a new baby. Sharing information about tummy-time, potty training, reading, talking and lots more! Keep in mind, Mino Maajisewin can enroll a family before the child turns three months old. Once a family is enrolled, they can participate in the program until the child turns five years old.
Families start on weekly home visits. As the child gross older and families meet their individual and family goals, they can progress to lesser visits.
The parent, child or guardian must be:
An enrolled (or eligible to enroll) Tribal Member of a Federally Recognized Tribe residing in Sawyer County. A parent must be a first time parent (first child for either mom or dad).
The goal of the WIC program is to help pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and younger children achieve better health and nutrition.
WIC provides:
Nutrition Information
Nutritious foods such as, fruits and vegetables, whole wheat/whole grain foods, milk, eggs, juice, cereal, canned or dried beans and peas, peanut butter and infant formula.
Breastfeeding information and support services.
Breast pumps are available to eligible clients
Health screening and information about other community services.
Fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs provided in summer through Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program.
Local Thrift Stores
Northwoods Humane Society: 15861 West 3rd St. , Hayward, WI 715.934-3121
Salvation Army: 15693 Davis Avenue, Hayward, WI 715.634.1050
Poppin’ Tags Thrift Store: State Highway 27, Hayward, WI 715.699.5081
Ventures Unlimited Thrift Store : 10578 Main Street, Hayward, WI 715.934.3035
Urban Trek: 10543 Main Street, Hayward WI 715.699.3001
Scrappy’s 15840 W 2nd Street, Hayward WI. 54843. 608.487.3692
The ReStore of Sawyer County: 10191 N Greenwood Lane Hayward WI 715.634.1340
The Free Store: 8558 N County Road K 715.699.3787
Finders Keepers Thrift Store: 1509 County Hwy B, Hayward, Wi 54843. 715.699.0753
New Reflections Resale Sore: 15495W County Rd B , Hyward Wi 54843. 715.462.9064
Sawyer County HSD - Domestic Abuse Program 800.569.4162
Medical Forensics for Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence Services
Local Fun for Families:
Opportunities for families to learn and grow in Sawyer County and the surrounding areas:
Fees may be associated with some activities, but check them all out- for some there are also free services provided.